WE are the PEAK Body for ROad Transport companies in WEstern Australia
OUr Members
DRIVE the WA Economy
Every community, every business, every exporter depends on our members to connect them to suppliers, markets and services.
What we do
Western Roads Federation provides a strong unified voice for companies and specialised transport associations who use Western Australian roads for commercial benefit.
Regardless of whether it’s a courier van, a crane, a garbage truck or a road train, the issues are fundamentally the same. Improved productivity and safety through greater access, investment and recognition of the critical importance of our industry has in DRIVING the WA economy.
Combined the federation represents one of the largest sectors of the WA economy.
Our membership consists of transport and logistics companies and specialised segment transport groups where we have common issues, such as productivity, safety, regulation.
We represent individual member or groups on issues of concern to to the all regulatory agencies or government policy makers, media or politicians as required by the issues.
Industry Leadership
Our members are uniting to take on the big issues facing the industry and even in the WA economy. Rather than react to issues our members are taking the lead in developing solutions.
Member Groups
Members can join existing groups or propose specific purpose groups. More info found here
Business Services
WRF has access to a range of services that can help member businesses.
WRF is increasing the number of events designed to help members businesses
Generating New Ideas. Solving Big Problems
Our members are actively engaged in developing new ideas to some of the biggest issues facing our industry and WA economy.
Our members have the ideas, WRF is giving them the power to make them heard.
Become a Member
We help our members every day with issues that effect them.
We keep our members updated on changes that effect their business.
We both defend and champion our industry to government, business, community and media.
We give voice to our members ideas both big and small.
BUT we need your support, we need your membership.